This time last year.
Sleepy Details
Les 24 heures de la bande dessinee d’Angouleme
This morning I finished the 24 hour comic challenge here in Angouleme, France. I participated at the Maison des Auteurs, grace a Julie Maroh. Read mine here!
I’m quite tired, so I’ll keep this short, but I wanted to also say that I’ll be in Angouleme for the festival this week, and then I go to Paris for a one month residency at the studio of Lisa Mandel and Ruppert et Mulot. Really exciting! Working on a project, and I’ll have more concrete news about that soon. Then I’ll be back in Angouleme for much of March and April.
In Situ 123 SALE
YO FRIENDS! I am working my butt off on a new book right now, and I will be heading to an artist residency in February to work HARDER and make sure this is a great project, worthy of being read. In order to raise some funds for this time period, I’m doing a super sale until JANUARY 25TH.
Get ALL 3 IN SITU COMIX TO DATE for just 15 bux! That saves you 7 dollars off the retail price, ya heard?
In Situ Super Pack is here: http://situology.bigcartel.com/product/in-situ-pack-1-2-3